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At Dental Pod we look for clues in your risk profile to help us to improve your gum health. Bleeding gums, loose teeth, and bad breath might be the result of gum disease.

There are many factors that contribute to gum disease including your overall lifestyle (from stress to sunlight exposure), diet, medication, kidney function, teeth cleaning habits, genetics, teeth arrangement, the contour of your tooth fillings, and the frequency and extent of dental checks and teeth cleans. This is all linked together as a risk profile for gum disease.

We take time to clean teeth for each patient as thoroughly as possible not only to make them look and feel better, but to keep the gums healthy. Sometimes we may need a few appointments with you at Dental Pod to get the gums as clean as possible. In addition, the better you do your teeth cleaning at home, the less we have to do in the surgery.

A combination of tools will help to keep the teeth clean between your dental visits – including a variety of interdental brushes such as eco-friendly Bamboo Pixters, floss, electric and hand brushing. Use whatever works for you, but take your time and clean your teeth consistently.

Some patients also choose to see periodontists regularly. These are dental specialists with extra training, expertise and dedication to gum therapy. We encourage Dental Pod patients with more progressed or increasing gum disease to seek periodontal specialist assessment and treatment. Keep those gums smiling

Gum health images shows the progression from healthy gums, then a progression to irritated gums and severe periodontal disease.